Sunday, July 17, 2011

Christian Science Monitor: The big lie is crumbling

Now that Rupert Murdoch's media empire is crumbling at the seams, it's a good time to dissect his propaganda machine. Fox News, specifically, is a dangerous outgrowth of rampant Republican fear mongering at the expense of people of color. While phone hacking is beyond outrageous, what's truly cause for concern are the abuses of power by New Corps, his media conglomerate, and the misinformation it thrusts onto the political debate.

President Obama was right in describing Fox as "destructive to [America's] long-term growth."

Of course spreading misleading and blatantly wrong information is nothing new. It was a pinnacle of the Hearst empire in the 50s and 60s. However, Hearst never had such global reach, nor the ability influence global markets with a bed of lies.

The Christian Science Monitor recently looked at President Obama's accomplishments contradicting some of the misinformation:

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