South Carolina senator Joe Wilson made a spectacle of himself by disrespecting the office of the President and the entire United States of America by shouting out in formal Congressional session, "You lie."
It was both obnoxious and unconscionable. The health care reform bill before Congress specifically prohibits federal payment for undocumented immigrants. While I personally feel this clause should be removed, but it's wrong to claim it does anything but forbid this the way its currently drafted.
Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.
Wilson has already apologized for the inappropriateness of his outburst. But he has yet to apologize for the slanderous statement he made.
He should own up to the truth immediately. Call his office at (202) 225-2452 in Washington or in Charleston (803) 939-0041 and demand he tell the truth, and recant his slanderous statements against the President.